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Tag: asscrack



*** asscrack has joined #blogshares.
asscrack: hi
Shadyman: At least you’re not an asshole.
asscrack: HELLO
Shadyman: Oh, I take that back 😡
onyx: hahahaha
asscrack: whats that supposed to mean
onyx: this should go on bash but im 2 lazy
Shadyman: heh
asscrack: hey jeff
asscrack: yo jeff
asscrack: ?
Shadyman: I’m not Jeff. Sorry.
asscrack: no not you
Shadyman: Jeff might be, though.
asscrack: i know
Shadyman: It’s just a guess.
asscrack: k
asscrack: is he here
Shadyman: I don’t know. Is he replying to you?
asscrack: nope
Shadyman: Well then.
onyx: maybe he is ignoring you
asscrack: maybe this will get his attention
*** asscrack is now known as vegeta.
Shadyman: Oh great, asshole is now a vegetable.
*** vegeta is now known as vegetalol.
*** vegetalol is now known as vegeta.
vegeta: hmhmhmh
onyx: podravka vegeta? 😉
vegeta: b-rabitt
vegeta: huh?
onyx: Vegeta was conceived in 1958 in Podravka’s laboratories. … According to Podravka, Vegeta is now sold in over thirty countries in the world.
onyx: 🙂
Shadyman: hee
vegeta: well alls i wanted to do was apologize
vegeta: actually dbz numnut
Shadyman: so the asscrack asshole vegetable has numbnuts?
Shadyman: This just keeps getting better.
mandy: lol
vegeta: well can i get help here or wat
vegeta: mo-fo
Shadyman: My room is lit with Watts.
vegeta: dont care
*** Mode change “+b *!*” for channel #blogshares by MrPilot.
Shadyman: actually, i prefer hi-fi to mo-fo.
*** vegeta has been kicked from #blogshares by MrPilot: MrPilot
MrPilot: idiot