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Tag: barcode scanner

What to do with your newly-modified CueCat

What to do with your newly-modified CueCat

Here are a few things you can do with your new-found number-entry tool:

  1. Search, Add and Edit entries on Barcodepedia (A wiki-style barcode catalog)
  2. Set up an archive of your DVDs CDs, Books, Comics, Games, etc. Try a quick web search.
  3. If you really wanted, you could print out certain commands or long strings you type often (like for example), print them off in Code 128 format, and scan them as required instead of typing. This would be an interesting way to store passwords.. Folks would have no idea what a cue-card with barcodes on it is for. :-D
  4. If you can figure out anything else fun to do, please feel free to post about it in the comments section for this article.
Arduino: Barcode Scanner (Work In Progress)

Arduino: Barcode Scanner (Work In Progress)

Ok, here I have a Symbol LT-1780 handheld barcode scanner. It has an RJ-45 cable with a 9-pin end (Not RS-232). I took an old RS-232 plug and put that on the end of the cable, and used that to wire it up to the Arduino.

Pics Soon.

Pins (from Female Serial side):
Ground (7)
+5V (9)
Barcode (2)

// Input
int barCode = 7; // Digitized Bar Pattern, connected to digital pin 7

int duration1 = 0;
int duration2 = 0;

void setup()
pinMode(barCode, INPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); // …set up the serial ouput on 0004 style

// Main program
void loop()
duration1 = pulseIn(barCode, HIGH);
duration2 = pulseIn(barCode, LOW);

Serial.print(” “);