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Here is little Cream in her little strawberry house. Ok, her house is upside-down, but that’s how she liked it. I gave it to her right-side up, and every time, she would flip it upside down. (Quite a feat in itself).

We called her ‘stubby’ because she lost part of her tail in a wheel-related accident when she was small, but she learned very quickly how to cope well with her handicap

Squeaky on the Wheel

Squeaky on the Wheel

This is Squeaky, our first baby that our gerbils had. You can see
Mocha, his uncle, in the bottom left. At this point, Oreo, Squeaky’s
father, is living with his mother again (Tryin to get more babies!) It
didn’t work out, though. No more babies from Oreo and Banjo

Sleepy Time In Baby Gerb Land

Sleepy Time In Baby Gerb Land

Here are some more baby gerbil pics, I know it’s been a while, but
these were just sitting on my computer, begging to be posted.

There’s Larry, Curly, and Jo(anne) on the left, Sugar and Cream in the
white (cute how their tails are mirror-image each others..), and BJ on
the right. Here they would be one-two weeks old: old enough to grow fur
but not old enough for eyes to show.